What is dermatosemiotics

Dermatosemiotics is an emergent paradigm that give primacy for touch ,Eros , as basis for embodiment and enaction that make semiosis ,meaning -making, communication ,life possible .

Without touch there is no emregence of life , meaning .

Touch as the fulfilment of love is what is meant by such claims.

Covid-19 derived its power and weaknes from iys need for touch to suvive .

By avoiding touch we kill not just Covid but we also killed Cupid , the god of love , desire and erotic .

Erotic is not the synonun of sex , it is the need for touch , positive touch that make us One , make us complex adaptive system , make us part of a whole .

Erotic energey is sign that we become a part searching for its whole , like Covid 19 .

Dermatosemiotics is science of Eros, that is , thee need for touch , the spiritual touch that make all kinds of touch sacred and holy.

Why Dermatosemiotics

Semiotics is science of signs .signs are embodied meaning,signification.

We need sign because we are absent, we are not present to ourselves without the mediation of time , place , body , this make us transcdental, not given in full presence, and consequently make us semiotics being ,searching for meaning, for the best expression,the best sign .

We are process ,not substance that can be separated from context and still having identity, we are connected to everything, our identity is relational ,semiosis, state of becoming, liquid identity inside flow of presence and absence .The absence has ontological status ,hence we are projected into absence,into the possible, this make language essential for us ,as it is the house of the possible,the absence which is actualized in perception and action.

This need to make the absent presenct either through action or language make semiotics primary, Ontology.

This explains why I understand semiotics as phenomenology, because phenomenology is science of perception,Presencing,presentation,and studying the conditions that make this presentationor semiosis truthful and disclosing the way things are , their ontology,their being.

This what make semiotics phenomenology formal ontology, study the Being (Truth /meaning) of beings.

The need for semiotics reflect our embodied nature and its spactiotemporality.

The function of signs is Presencing,making the invisible visible,making the absent present .

This intentionality of signs fulfilled through through ways :

Pictures, index, and words (language).

There are three kinds of signs :

1-Iconic signs in which the two things are related through simulation and picturing.

In this kind of semiosis,the sign present the things or people through pictures.

This kind of semiosis can be decoded without the need for active learning as the relationship that combines the two things are intrinsic.

2-Index signs work through awareness of the mereological relationship bewteen the signifier and signifed m seeing them as part and whole , seeing the as parts of one system .

This kind of semiosis is foundation for systemic thinking in which the relationship are natural and can be elicited from the things themselves.

For example , Understanding fire and smking as being parts of one process ,make us inferring the presence of each one by seeing either one of them .

The relationship is interdependence relationship, systemic relationship.

3- The third kind of semiosis is verbal semiotics in which every culture create code for naming things and events according to socially constructed rules.

This kind of semiosis is the origin of crisis when become natural whereas it is conventional and artificial.

Skin for example become symbolic organs through media and advertisements industry for the sake of branding their products which become symbolic,standing for beuty,sexual,attractiveness,self-esteem,power, confidence and acceptance by society.

Skin studied medically using indexical kind of semiosis ,searching for biological relation between skin changes and underlying pathology,but patients visit the dermatologist due to the symbolic semiotics of skin which is created socially and commercially.

This make us think of introducing dermatology as dermatosemiotic to meet the symbolic need of the patient in addition to the biosemiotic of the body .

The primacy of skin

The first experience we had is mediated by skin and lived as touch , feeling.

Without skin there is no felt experience, there is feeling of being embodied.

Our body is given to us through touching, using our skin as perceptual system.

This make skin part of cognitive system, the input and output parts ,the brain act as processor that integrate skin systemic function.

What is semiotics

Semiotics is a Transdisciplinary science, that is , it is a meta-science , in Husserlian language,it is transcendental phenomenology, that is , it is formal ontology, General System Theory.

All these terms can replaced with one term which is complex adaptive system thinking , abbreviated as just : System Thinking.

I understand semiotics as a System Thinking in which the primacy is given to relations between the visible and the invisible in vertical or horizontal relation, hierarchy and network.

This make semiotics everything .

It is the condition that make life possible, that make relation possible,that make communication possible,that make thinking and reasoning possible.

Without semiosis there is no life , there is no thinking and action.

Semiotics is science of meaning , relations which integrates the possible with the actual, the invisible with the visible.

Sign is System of relations between signifer and signified

What is dermatosemiotic

Dermatosemiotic is new approach to dermatology in which skin understood as complex adaptive system , that is , as semiosis, relational livig System which embody our cognitive,biological,social and ecological dimensions.

Understanding skin in this way make us understand why skin disorders are complex and wicked problems which resist traditional intervention.

This new trend of dermatology is the new road to new medicine known as System medicine or Lifeworld medicine,which i prefer ,as it is requested paradigm shift from machine system thinking to Lifeworld system thinking in which the whole is more than the sum of its parts .

Dermatosemiotic is holistic approach to skin , seeing skin as sign of patient Lifeworld and not just the biological body .

We need new kind of communication skils to elicit the semiotics of patient Lifeworld, which are unfortunately overlooked by traditional medical education curriculum which focused only on medical semiotics.